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Earth Tutelary Action Figure.

Super hero … War for the Invader from Space Transformer Kids will have a lot of fun withthese robot models, as multi-models in the box, multi-weaponincluded, easy to play. “We now come to another important occurrence in the great task of setting the world in order—namely, the appointment of certain supernormal beings as guardians and controllers of the different realms of the earth, the heavens, and the ocean. These beings were so appointed by the command of Io, the Supreme Being, and Tane was given the task of carrying out the instructions. Inasmuch as all things contain the elements of both evil and good, it is necessary that there should be some control over everything, therefore the poutiriao were appointed in order that they might watch over everything in all realms, and prevent all quarrels, all interferences, injustice, and wrongdoing of any nature. “ Let's have fun together! Easy for kids to play, instruction also included: Transforming robot model in various specifications shipped randomly.