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Complex Carbs & Electrolytes for Sustained Energy Did you know that carbohydrates were the first breakthrough in sports nutrition? Breakthrough research showed a significant increase in muscle glycogen storage after carbohydrate loading. This in turn translated to increased energy and delayed fatigue due to the rapid uptake and slow release. Our great tasting Super Carbo shake is made with complex carbohydrates and electrolytes for an optimal energy supply, Super Carbo is released at different rates and digests at different rates, it’s the perfect carbohydrate loading energy drink. Carbo-loading is a strategy used by endurance athletes such as marathon runners to maximize the storage of glycogen (or energy) in the muscles. It usually starts 2 or 3 days before a major event and has been proven to build up sufficient energy stores within muscles and the liver to help improve performance, endurance and stamina. Super Carbo is recommended for Carbo-loading, when partaking in endurance events lasting longer than 90 minutes. Our Super Carbo drink ensures you improved performance, lower acid levels, reduced cramping and post-workout soreness, all while promoting re-hydration, strength and improved endurance.