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Greek Bead Ring.

Throughout the ages, lyrics have been written and songs have been sung for beautiful eyes, the Greeks believe that these very beautiful eyes become the harbingers of misfortune and doom when they turn towards you with greed and envy. This belief rests not only in Greece, but also among all the people of the Mediterranean countries as well as in the Indian sub-continent and the legends of Mexico. The ancient Greeks believed that the eye bead jewellery is a special piece of jewellery that can protect you from the Evil Eye. The Evil Eye jewellery typically has a representative blue eye and is available in several designs, shapes, and colours, such as blue, light blue, orange, green, red, pink, violet, brown, white, grey, and many others. All this colour are used to make this magical ring Abeautiful created metal ring with multi-coloured acrylic beads for everyday use or that special occasion Acrylic; a generic term for poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) hard clear plastic, commonly known by the brand names Plexiglas, Lucite, or Perspex. Colours pigments may be added enhance the look.