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The A-Z of Psychology at Work - 2012 Edition.

This edition constitutes an excellent desktop reference on importance of applying good psychology at work and work relationship The topics are: •Applying ‘EI’ (EQ) to manage others •Building bonds of trust •Conflict–resolving approaches •Defusing bullying tactics •Emotional blackmail: how to tackle it at work •Finding and eliminating own blind spots •Gaining co-operation from difficult co-workers•Handling someone’s ego to create a win-win outcome •Insight: softening the challenge of change •Just letting go and moving on •Know-how: Assist Boss running on hi-octane •Learning how to handle criticism •Mobilising support for an unpopular project •“No!” there is a time and place for this word •Overcoming fear of a situation •Professionally balancing life and work pressures •Quiet misperceptions and gossip need to be handled •Responding to signs of mental stress in others •Self-Esteem versus Self-Confidence •A Team-Oriented view is important •Using influence to achieve goals •Various ways to handle perfectionists •Whiners and moaners: redirect their energies •X-raying reasons: for leaving your job! •Yes, you can handle difficult people at work •Zestful approaches to negative release energy.